Slimebuck The Movie – A Short Film
A Kid-Friendly short movie about a lovable creature who saves-the-day for two young boys on a fun night filled with action and suspense. An entertaining comedy the whole family will enjoy!
SlimeBuck will remind you of the horror movies from the 1980s involving kids and “friendly” monsters in a comedy-based setting. It can be described as a cross between “Home Alone” and “ET” all rolled-into-one.
When his parents leave them home alone for the evening, Tad and his friend Edgar plan on playing video games and eating pizza. Little did they know they were about to meet a new pal – a slimy but friendly creature they affectionately call SLIMEBUCK. But two other unannounced visitors are about to appear – Russian spies looking for an energy source emanating from the house.
It’s a night that no one will forget!